As I think about my path since I’ve started in business, over the past 14-15 years now, the majority of the time has been wrapped around how to make more or build bigger.
I would go to seminars, conferences, listen to podcasts, read books and talk to friends….
All with this message related to finding your purpose or LIVE YOUR PURPOSE!
There are great minds like Tony Robbins, Brendon Burchard, Simon Sinek, Gary Vee and the list goes on of amazing thought leaders and creators in the space of living with intention, purpose and finding my WHY.
I’ve digested and been to many of these conferences, seen the speakers, however what I didn’t find was the follow through.
I’d get super fired up, after fighting the request to dance on a chair, waving my arms like I just don’t care, screaming at the top of my lungs about my commitments.
Coming home, excited, telling my wife about how “this time I think I’ve found it!” with what voice I had left.
…only to find 2 weeks later, I didn’t implement the training, content and key takeaways.
I would feel guilty about investing another several thousand dollars and lots of time into this event only to have it repeat a pattern of failed implementation.
Feeling like I was never going to figure this out, I started to realize the pattern, I stopped going and just focused on my business(s).
But something was still missing…that thing they were all talking about.
I would watch them up on stage, full of fire and energy and passion like I’d never had.
Still I would follow these “gurus” and relate to their messages…
…they would talk about the ONE THING and “just find your thing” but I couldn’t see it.
It was frustrating to say the least.
For me, it came to a point where I just wasn’t sure I would ever figure it out. That perhaps I was just going to have to slowly build business, not out of passion and purpose, but just as a means to an end.
I would find myself saying “If it don’t make dollars, it doesn’t make sense”
My decisions were strictly rooted in what the financial gain would be and thus made the level of creative output muted.
The problem was there was a path for me, however I was afraid to answer the calling in a meaningful and impactful way that was needed.
4 years ago, I went on a journey to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro. It was absolutely epic and beautiful in so many ways!
This trip was a catalyst for cracking the code to understanding my passion and purpose. There was something that happened on that trip to create a spark.
Less than a year later I found myself at another pivotal moment which ended up being a massive key to unlocking what I was looking for.
I went deep inside myself, like really deep, addressed some pieces that I left undone and undealt with for decades.
In this place of realization, I was open and the acceptance of who I was and what I need to do become crystal clear.
There was a process I went through….multiple steps and challenges in order to unlock the 3rd and final key.
This 3rd and final key was the last piece, or so it seems.
This took me going on an incredibly eye opening spiritual journey over the past 12 months.
Which has led me here, writing this to YOU.
My purpose and my passion was to be AN EXPLORER AND A TEACHER on a very deep level.
The last piece wasn’t easy, in fact it was the hardest thing I’ve ever done.
It was hard because I began to bring awareness to identifying pieces that were and were not missing.
I created an action plan that worked for me after I was clear about what I truly wanted.
I followed a system and process where I showed up everyday, not just Monday through Friday.
In this process there was light created that was not there before.
But the beauty is, I’ve now created a platform for understanding, creating and following through on leading others to this place which took me 4 years in the making.
If you are interested in learning more about how you can unlock the biggest version of yourself in business, relationships and the creation of joy, send me a message and I can share what I’ve learned and how you can find this as well.
-Coach Matt