Leap of Faith

Written by on February 1, 2022

I watched a man who had been alone on a beach for 7 years finally decide he could no longer endure the pain of solitude and isolation…leave his comfort and perceived safety.

As he fully committed to the journey of the unknown, he set sail into the vast expanse of the ocean.

The unknown of whether or not he would find a rescuer, be eaten by sharks, die of lack of food or water or simply drown.

This is the LEAP OF FAITH moment in his life.

You might recognize this story….it’s from the movie Castaway with Tom Hanks.

Now you have a visual and idea of that moment.

Read on…

I speak to clients, friends and acquaintances and many are very financially successful.

They find themselves in a place where they could retire and have plenty of financial resources to live a very comfortable life.

Yet, what I hear is, “I just need to get to ….” Or “when I have x amount of money, I will feel comfortable enough to retire”

My question is this…


What was the measurement of how this was enough?

Was it a certain amount you wanted in passive income per month?

Was it just a number that was picked because that was the perception of success set so long ago?

In many cases, most of these people can have what they want right now….

…the trouble…

…they don’t truly know what they want, so the default is to continue working and pushing the finish line farther and farther out.

By doing this, they never have to feel the pain or discomfort of solitude, a lack of the demand on them to be an answer provider, or truly have to answer the question of

…who am I?

This question of who am I is as real as it gets.

Strip away your name, your age, your occupation, your family, your hobbies….all of it….

What is left?

Who are you??

Many who I speak with are unsure.

They have a general idea but they suppress the space to allow the question to be answered.

It’s so much easier to be busy with work, kids, wife, and life rather than going on the journey of discovery.

Yet, this is the process that must ensue in order to start to see what you were truly meant to do.

Stripping away the busy, we are left with ourselves and the “big questions”

But how fulfilling could life be if you actually started to develop and curate the REAL YOU?

What if you knew the answer or at least could see the path and know the first checkpoints on the journey?

This level of discover and seeking of “WHO AM I?”

Coming back to the Castaway movie, this moment of a LEAP OF FAITH was when he left the island

Or was it?

Perhaps his real LEAP OF FAITH was to decide to LIVE!

To LIVE for 7 years on the island and embrace a new life.

Perhaps he got the gifts he needed in order to take his next big LEAP.

Finding your purpose is much like this.



There is a distinct difference. Knowing and actually living it are very different.

We see this all the time. It’s often called “wasted talent”

We see someone’s greatness, but unfortunately they need to see and believe it for themselves first in order to start the journey.

This is the journey I have been on.

I see it in 3 distinct steps:

I first had to be open to the DISCOVERY PROCESS.

I then had to understand from a high level what my UNIQUE ABILITY is…

Then I had to know how to manifest it – The HOW

Lastly, I had to begin to live it in congruence across all parts of my life – ACTION

My personal opinion is there is no retirement when you are living your purpose.

Thus, needing to acquire whatever it is becomes much lower on the priority list.

Money is important to amplifying your purpose, so as you can see, when you are clear on what you want, truly want, then you will attract all the abundance you will ever need in all areas of life.

This is the basis of what I coach and guide my clients through. If you want to talk further, just message me.

What is your LEAP OF FAITH you need to take right now in your life?

-Coach Matt

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